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Although most mainstream churches seem to support the idea that once a person is "born again" he or she is guaranteed a spot in heaven, the issue continues to cause heated debate. We aren't here to stir up strife but being sure about what the bible says on this issue can have eternal consequences so let's take a look.

To understand the view we are taking, it is important to ask yourself this question; Do Christians sin? I hope you answered, "yes" because the bible is full of examples of the righteous sinning. Even Paul the apostle struggled with his sin nature but a careful reading of the scriptures teaches us that Christians who habitually practice sin won't share in the kingdom.

Galatians 5:21 says those who practice sin ranging from revelries (drunken partying) to murder will not inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists these same sins as cause for one to be kept out of heaven. Remember that Paul in these passages and others is talking to the church, not to unbelievers. He also exhorts believers to walk in the Spirit so that they will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. Chapters five to eleven, of 1 Corinthians explain that a "brother" can be caught in deep sin (in this case, incest). Earlier in verse five of chapter six, "if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life..."Paul exhorts the Corinthian church to put out their brother in order to face "destruction of the flesh" so that his soul may be saved. The sinful man later repented and Paul urged the church to forgive him as Paul himself had done. It is apparent in this case that the man was restored, but more importantly for this discussion, we can conclude that if he had carried on in his sin, his soul would not have been preserved. You might say, "well, maybe that man wasn't truly saved in the first place." Nowhere in the text does it mention that the man had to accept Christ or be baptized. It seems clear that he was saved but he had let his flesh take over as far too many Christians do today.

In Revelation 21: 7-8, Jesus himself says that if we in the church overcome, we will inherit all things, but if we give in to sin, then we will have our part in the lake of fire.

Paul feared labouring in vain (Philippians 2:16) if the church did not hold fast to the word of life. Why would Paul's work be in vain if the church remained saved after not holding fast? Paul's strong language indicates loss of more than just rewards etc.

1 Peter 4:18 mentions "the righteous being scarcely saved" If a righteous man is scarcely saved, what happens to the unrighteous... or in order to help you avoid splitting hairs about what unrighteous is then how about we say "less than righteous." As believers, we have righteousness imparted to us by Jesus Christ himself at the moment of conversion... we become the righteousness of God, however if a Christian is in regular, willful sin, can he or she still be considered righteous? Righteousness is often described as a robe that we can put on. We can also take it off. We are free moral agents and choose whom to obey... either God and His Word or our own flesh and the Devil. So if willful, continual sin causes us to be deemed unrighteous, then we miss even being scarcely saved, which is eternal death.

This idea is mirrored in Hebrews 3:14 which states that in order to become "partakers" of Christ, we have to hold our faith to the end. Once again, if we don't hold our faith then we are no longer partakers of Christ. Is this not talking about eternal life? (Hebrews 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26-29)

One very clear verse in Revelation is in Chapter 22. The bible includes many warnings to false teachers and specifically to those that would alter God's Word (see Deut 4:2 and Prov 30:6) but in Revelation 22:19 Jesus clearly states that, "if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life..." It doesn't get much clearer than this. Believe me, because of statements like this, we pray before posting a teaching to this web site.

God takes sin seriously, making weak, sick and even killing those who give in (See 1 Cor 11:28, Acts 5:1-11) He loves us and wants us to be Holy (as He is) and be with Him in His kingdom... but He cannot condone sin. That is why He will do anything to keep us in His grace. If we reject, take lightly or neglect His grace, then what can He do but give us over to our sin and ultimately final death? God won't force everybody to get saved or live the life He wants us to and He won't intervene in everyone's life by taking him or her home before they lose their place in the Book of Life. He has given us His Word and everything else we need to live free from sin (see 2 Pet 1:3-5) it is our duty to follow the commandment, "Be Holy even as I am Holy" or as Jesus said to the paralyzed man He healed at the pool of Bethsaida, "Make sure you sin no more lest a worse thing happen to you"

Brothers and sisters do not take the grace and mercy of the Lord lightly. Live righteously, daily avoiding sin and temptation of every sort. You may just find yourselves being "scarcely saved."

See also 1 Cor 3: 16-17, Luke 9:62

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