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For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life [his blessed life in the kingdom of God]? Or what would a man give as an exchange for his [blessed] life [in the kingdom of God]? – Matthew 16:26 (Amplified Bible) The world and the kingdom of God are at extreme opposites of a spiritual spectrum. One operates on greed, pride, lust and fear and is controlled by Satan, the other operates on selflessness, humility, love and faith and is controlled by Jesus Christ.

I have an embarrassing admission to make. Years ago, shortly after getting baptized and starting my walk with God, I recall standing in a nightclub with drink-in-hand (and several more in stomach) proudly telling someone I was chatting with (well yelling really because the music was so loud) that I had just become a Christian. I was preaching the kingdom of God while standing firmly in the world. I shudder now to think about the example I had set and how I profaned the name of Jesus. Unfortunately I am not alone in this type of behaviour and it is not only new believers that continue on in their worldly ways.

If the world represents everything that we are supposed to hate as Christians, why do so many of us hang on to it? We follow the world’s way of dressing, talking, and eating. We invite worldly ideals and standards into our homes through movies, TV shows and other forms of entertainment. We adopt the world’s standard for how our homes should look, what kind of jobs and education we should have and we follow worldly philosophy in raising our children and managing our lives. If we continue to uphold the world’s ideals in our “Christian” lives, we will easily compromise the Word of God, and then begin to accommodate sin in our lives. Eventually, we become useless to God’s work (if we were ever useful) and if not stopped, we can lose our place in the kingdom of God. James 5:19-20 speaks to both sides of this truth. We can stray from Truth, fall into error and be headed toward eternal death but if brought back (by another believer) then our sins are covered and angels rejoice in heaven (See Luke 15:7)

One mistake we have to avoid in determining what changes we are going to make is to compare our lives with the world’s standards. We will tell ourselves, “Well this movie isn’t as bad as such and such” or “my daughter doesn’t dress as bad as some of the other kids at school”. When we do this, we are still holding the world as our standard. The bible tells us to not be conformed to the world but to be conformed to the Word of God. (Romans 12:2) Think about this scenario for a bit. Imagine your life without television, DVD’s, video games, tabloid magazines, Internet, psychology books, recorded music, radio and such. Sound tortuous? How much closer and harmonious would your family be if you all ate dinner together and talked, studied the bible together and then sang a few godly songs together? Sure you might miss out on the latest Hollywood adultery scandal or gruesome details of the latest mass murder, but isn’t that exactly the point of godly living?


The early disciples had nothing but a few Old Testament scrolls to read and their lives were filled with joy, peace and power… in the midst of persecution. We have every convenience and all the sugar coated poison the enemy can throw at us and we are stressed, guilt-ridden and powerless as we carry our bibles to church. Consider making a complete overhaul of your lifestyle to accommodate the Word of God. He rewards those who diligently seek and serve him and are willing to sacrifice selfish pleasures for His glory. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. (1 Corinthians 2:9) Let’s love God, recognize His immeasurable love for us and choose to come out of the world into His righteousness, blessing and holiness.

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