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Because of modern Hollywood's obsession with sex, gratuitous violence, substance abuse and especially anti-God themes, content or dialogue, there are almost no recent "Hollywood" movies in the list below. Also, we haven't included those films that most would consider obvious choices such as "Mary Poppins" or common Bible-based movies such as "Ten Commandments".

**note** Some of the recommended movies below still contain elements that may not be appropriate for young children


Amazing Creatures that Defy Evolution - Part I, II and III - A light-hearted look at the special chacteristics of certain animals that attest to their design by an intelligent and purposeful God. Geared for children but of interest to all.

Privileged Planet - A compelling argument for the existence of intelligent design.

Expelled - No Intelligence Required (Hosted by Ben Stein) - Sten interviews several figures on both sides of the debate over intelligent design and reveals a fundamental bias in the academic world against anyone that adopts a "pro" side to this issue.

Case for Christ (By Lee Strobel) - Based on the book of the same name, this film lays out certain fundamental arguements for a belief in Jesus Christ as the son of God.

Case for a Creator (By Lee Strobel) - Similar in format to the movie above, Strobel interviews many random people and uses his same courtroom logic to present a case for a loving creator.

Incredible Search for Noah's Ark - Compelling interviews and evidence that indeed the Ark has survived all these millenia and is still viewable (and walkable) when conditions are right in the mountains of Ararat.

Indescribable (by Louie Giglio) - Filmed on location at one of his many tour events, Giglio presents essentially a cosmic slide show to highlight many of the wonders created both in the Universe at large and in each of us... "Laminins Lou... Laminins"!

How Great is Our God - Part of the same series as the film above, Giglio presents more cosmic evidence for God.

March of the Penguins - Who would have thought that a piece about Emperor penguins could have so much drama.

The Creation Series - A three DVD series detailing the many wonders of our universe and planet. It also discusses many of the debates over the genesis version of creation.

"Hollywood" Films

Boys Town - Mickey Rooney, Spencer Tracey - A Catholic Priest circa 1940 starts a home for boys that grows into a "town" of its own

Men of Boys Town - The sequel

Sergeant York - Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan - A wayward young man finds God and turns his life around only to be drafted into WW1. After failing to opt out of the war on the grounds of his religious convictions, he commits himself to the task and becomes a war hero. ** This movie contains war scenes in which soldiers die

Spirit - Stallion of the Cimmaron - Although it portrays Western society as rather evil (maybe not so far off the mark) this animated picture, told from the point-of-view of a horse, extols values such as strength, sacrifice and selflessness.

Kung Fu Panda - Jack Black, stars as Po, a rather flabby panda bear who gets chosen to defend his village from the former star pupil of the Kung Fu master. He has to fight for acceptance in order to take his place over the other pupils who think they are better suited to be the "Dragon Warrior" 

**Since this is a martial arts movie, there is nearly constant fighting and quite a bit of destruction

Sherlock Holmes & the Secret Weapon - Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce (1943) - Holmes tries to frustrate the plans of Professor Moriarty to steal plans for a "bomb site" he wishes to sell to the Nazis.

Christian Films

Fireproof - Kirk Cameron, stars as Caleb Holt, a heroic fire captain who values dedication and service to others above all else. But the most important partnership in his life, his marriage, is about to go up in smoke. This gripping story follows one man's desire to transform his life and marriage through the healing power of faith and fully embrace the fireman's code; Never Leave Your Partner Behind.

Flywheel - A dishonest used car salesman (where did the writers ever come up with this crazy character concept?) is pressed into re-examining his walk with God by a series of life pressures. His change to turn his life and career over to God comes with tests to his faith and a new perspective on dealing with others... and the biggest used car clearance event seen this side of the Rio Grande.

The Climb - A talented mountain climber with more ego than Everest is paired up with another climber in a sponsored climb of their most desired and challenging location. As the climber is confronted by Christians at every turn, he becomes only more obstinate until his new climbing partner makes the ultimate sacrifice for him.

Escape From Hell - Although there are doctrinal perspectives that don't agree with some of the content on this site, it is still a good "punctuation mark" for the gospel. An angry and nearly suicidal young doctor is confronted with the essential issues of heaven and hell. He takes a harrowing romp through the afterlife and comes face to face with the ultimate question... "will you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, or not?"

Six_The Mark Unleashed - Starring Stephen Baldwin and Eric Roberts, this film explores the choices and consequences those left alive during the tribulation period will have to face. There is a fair bit of conversation and subject matter that wouldn't be suitable for younger children but the movie does make one think... "What would I do in this situation"

For the Older Family Members

There are a few other movies we reviewed that although are not appropriate for children, they may be enjoyed by mature family members. As with the lists above, certain cautions are included at the end of each mention.


Faith Like Potatoes - A farmer moves his family to South Africa and suffers a series of seemingly insurmountable losses. Through unlikely friendships and much needed divine intervention, he discovers his life's true purpose and it sustains his unwaivering belief in the power of faith. A moving life journey of a man who, like his potatoes, grows his faith, unseen until the harvest. 

**There are a few cautions in this film; a woman's nearly bare back is shown as well as a man in boxers. There is heavy drinking and smoking, a fight scene and a rather graphic accident in which a child dies. In one scene, the main character utters the word, "d**n"

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